Hurricane Irene Streambed Restoration

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As we head deeper into summer, Sessler Wrecking highlights our emergency response capabilities after Hurricane Irene. Sessler Wrecking’s emergency response team is always ready to provide assistance when disaster strikes!

After the devastating Hurricane Irene made landfall, Sessler Wrecking’s crew quickly sprang into action by assisting the emergency response to the natural disaster that caused streams to backup and overflow, which left bridges badly damaged, as well as streambeds disturbed.

Sessler Wrecking was tasked with the immediate restoration of the streambeds as well as the removal of a bridge. Restoration and recovery efforts were expeditious and successful due to the strong partnership and coordination efforts between various public and private agencies.

We are proud to have played a crucial role in restoring normalcy to the community during this challenging time. Our dedicated team’s commitment and the support of our partners made all the difference.

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